This is the text of a presentation on JUndo that I gave to Pikes Peak Java Development Group (PPJDG) on Sept. 26, 2006. This was apparently the last meeting that PPJDG had. The group is now defunct. There has been no traffic on its mailing list for the last year, as shown here:
Regardless, I think this provides a good overview of the language for those who don't want to read through long technical descriptions. Note: I've improved the implementation since I gave this presentation, so some of the "to-do" items no longer apply.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
Time-Oriented Programming (TOP)
This is a TOP presentation.
Conceived at Arizona State University circa 1998.
Major Inspirations: Prof. Edward Ashcroft, Prof. Tony Faustini
First cut of compiler tested in mid-1999.
Verdantium Compound Document Framework
Distribute Small Components (Desktop Apps) Over Network
Many components need multi-level undo support in order to be viable
Having each component implement its own undo framework causes each component to be large
Hence the need for a common framework
Framework must be general enough to encompass all components
Object Creation
Changing object members and object-object references
Objects becoming unreachable / garbage collection
Decisions (i.e. if-then)
More Problems
Nested Operations
Error Recovery
Possible Solutions
Create A “Reverse Command” for every command (u/ by Swing).
For Instance, the reverse of “insert character” is “delete character”.
But... (see next page)
int value;
public void dumbCommand()
if( value > 100 )
{ value = 5; } else { value = 6; }
Possible Solutions
Save a Memento of the data state before running command.
Comes from Design Patterns book.
Prohibitively Expensive To Save Everything.
Possible Solutions
For each member use a class with an overloaded assignment operator. Store values.
Override equiv. of malloc() and free().
Hard to implement other than C++ (e.g. Java).
General undo requires tracking all object creation, deletion, and member assignment.
This changes the semantics of the original language, and perhaps is better handled at the language level.
JUndo is intended to provide a semantics that simplifies undo and error handing.
But it’s more than just Java with Undo...
JUndo Example
public class IntRef
private int val;
public int getVal( )
{ val };
public milieu setVal( int invb )
{ val := invb };
In JUndo there are no statements. Everything in a method body is an expression.
“:=” is a function that takes in a milieu and a value, and returns a milieu.
In C++ the “this” pointer is curried into each instance method. The JVM uses a similar technique.
In JUndo a “this-milieu” reference is curried into each method.
Jundo also provides a “now” keyword.
Consider the next() method on a Java Iterator. Often this method both alters the iterator’s members and it returns an object.
This kind of update-and-return method is so pervasive that JUndo has a special type called the pair to handle it.
public class IntRef
private int val;
public int getVal( )
{ val };
public milieu setVal( int invb )
{ val := invb };
public static pair[ IntRef ] new_IntRef( int in )
pair[ IntRef ] ref = IntRef.allocate_IntRef();
milieu asgm = ref.setVal( in );
with [ ref.cobj , asgm ] fi
pair[ IntRef ] ap = IntRef.new_IntRef( 3 );
IntRef a = ap.cobj;
milieu t0 = ap.milieu;
milieu t1 = [ a , t0 ].setVal( 7 );
milieu t2 = [ a , t1 ].setVal( 4 );
/* ********************************************** */
int a0 = [ a , t0 ].getVal();
int a1 = [ a , t1 ].getVal();
int a2 = [ a , t2 ].getVal();
a0 is always 3.
a1 is always 7.
a2 is always 4.
If-Then Expr.
Like everything else in JUndo, if-then is an expression rather than a statement.
The expression can return any type, including milieu and pair.
if x > 5 then 25 else 36 fi
Switch is similar.
Garbage Collection
In Java, an object can be collected when it is no longer reachable.
In JUndo, an object can be collected when it is no longer reachable from any object in any milieu.
A milieu can be collected when it is no longer reachable from any object in any milieu.
In Java, programs are primarily constructed using loops (e.g. while loops).
In intensional languages (e.g. Lucid) recursive definitions x = 5 fby prev( x )+3.
JUndo uses selections inspired by TRC.
public interface Iterator
public pair[ boolean ] hasNext();
public pair[ Object ] next();
public interface IteratorFactory
public pair[ Iterator ] iterator();
public class TestClassB
public static pair[ IteratorFactory ] calc( IteratorFactory fac )
seq now into
pair[ IteratorFactory ] res = select a from a : fac where
[ seq now into
IntRef r = ( [ IntRef ]( [ a , now ] ) ).cobj;
with ( r.getVal() > 10 ) fi ]
with res fi
public class TestClassA
public static milieu calc( IteratorFactory fac )
seq now into
IteratorFactory res = ( select
[ seq now into
IntRef r = ( [IntRef]( [ a , now ] ) ).cobj;
r.setVal( 5 );
with now fi ]
from a : fac where true fi ).cobj;
Iterator it = ( res.iterator() ).cobj;
IteratorUtils.getLastItem( it );
with now fi
int calc()
int total = 0;
int i;
int j;
for( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
for( j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j++ )
total += i + j;
return( total );
public static int calc( )
seq now into
IteratorFactory af = ( ForIntLe.new_ForIntLe( 0 , 10 , 1 ) ).cobj;
IteratorFactory bf = ( ForIntLe.new_ForIntLe( 0 , 10 , 1 ) ).cobj;
IntRef total = ( IntRef.new_IntRef( 0 ) ).cobj;
IteratorFactory res = ( select
total.setVal( [ { [ForIntLeIterator]( [ a , now ] ) }.getValue() ] +
[ { [ForIntLeIterator]( [ b , now ] ) }.getValue() ] +
[ total.getVal() ] )
from total ; a : af , b : bf where true fi ).cobj;
Iterator it = ( res.iterator() ).cobj;
IteratorUtils.getLastItem( it );
with total.getVal() fi
Referential Transparency
Function returns the same thing when given the same params, i.e. f(10).
Many critical functions in C, e.g. malloc, violate this.
Like C, JUndo allocates. But the language is contrived to preserve referential transparency
Transparency presumes that “this” and “thismilieu” are counted as parameters.
Comparison operators not supported for milieux.
Some safety is traded to get both transparency and performance.
Like C++ and C#, JUndo trades away some safety.
Comparisons should only be used on objects in the same milieu. For objects from different milieux, results are undefined but transparent.
Don’t try to access an object in a milieu where it doesn’t exist. The result is undefined.
So What Is This Good For?
It’s difficult to just “add” undo to an existing program.
JUndo started as an investigation of the feasibility of adding undo capability to Java software developed for the Arizona State University department of Physics.
there are potential applications for scripting, error control, and formal definition of algorithms.
In addition to simple classes, JUndo also has undoable maps.
Undo Mgmt.
class UndoNode
UndoNode nxt;
MilieuRef state;
class UndoImpl
UndoNode undoStk;
UndoNode redoState;
UndoNode currentState; /* nxt always null in currentState */
public MilieuRef getCurrentMilieu()
{ currentState.state };
public milieu commitStateAction( MilieuRef newState )
seq now into
UndoNode node = currentState;
node.nxt := undoStk;
pair[ UndoNode ] newPair = [ UndoNode , now ].allocate_UndoNode();
UndoNode newNode = newPair.cobj;
newNode.state := newState;
currentState := newNode;
redoState := null;
with now fi
Undo Mgmt.
public milieu performUndo()
if undoStk != null then
performUndoComp() else now fi
protected milieu performUndoComp()
seq now into
currentState.nxt := redoState;
redoState := currentState;
currentState := undoStk;
undoStk := undoStk.nxt;
currentState.nxt := null;
with now fi
Undo Mgmt.
public milieu performRedo()
if redoState != null then
performRedoComp() else now fi
protected milieu performRedoComp()
seq now into
pair[ UndoNode ] nodep = [ currentState , now ];
UndoNode node = nodep.cobj;
node.nxt := undoStk;
undoStk := node;
currentState := redoState;
redoState := redoState.nxt;
with now fi
class BorderModel
protected jobj borderClass;
protected jobj borderTypes;
protected jobj borderParam;
public jobj getBorderClass( )
{ borderClass };
public jobj getBorderTypes( )
{ borderTypes };
public jobj getBorderParam( )
{ borderParam };
public milieu setBorderObject (
jobj _borderClass ,
jobj _borderTypes ,
jobj _borderParam )
seq now into
borderClass := _borderClass;
borderTypes := _borderTypes;
borderParam := _borderParam;
with now fi
/* ... */
public String getClassName() {
Object obj = borderModel.pdxm_getBorderClass(undoMgr.getCurrentMil());
return ((String) obj);
public Class[] getBorderTypes() {
Object obj = borderModel.pdxm_getBorderTypes(undoMgr.getCurrentMil());
return ((Class[]) obj);
public Object[] getBorderParam() {
Object obj = borderModel.pdxm_getBorderParam(undoMgr.getCurrentMil());
return ((Object[]) obj);
public void setBorderObject(String CName, Class[] types, Object[] params)
throws ResourceNotFoundException {
ExtMilieuRef mil =
public Object processObjEtherEvent(EtherEvent in, Object refcon)
throws Throwable {
Object ret = EtherEvent.EVENT_NOT_HANDLED;
if (in instanceof PropertyEditEtherEvent) {
if (in.getEtherID().equals(PropertyEditEtherEvent.isBorderSupported))
return (PropertyEditEtherEvent.isBorderSupported);
if (in.getEtherID().equals(PropertyEditEtherEvent.setBorderObject)) {
Object[] myo = (Object[]) (in.getParameter());
UTag utag = new UTag();
(String) (myo[0]),
(Class[]) (myo[1]),
(Object[]) (myo[2]));
undoMgr.commitUndoableOp(utag, "Border Change");
return (null);
return (ret);
Other J-Lang
Godiva (goal-directed evaluation).
Nice (ML, Haskell, and Eiffel).
Kiev (Prolog inspired)
Bistro (Smalltalk Inspired)
Scripting languages (BeanShell, Groovy)
JRuby (Ruby), Jython (Python)
Source: Wikipedia
Improve garbage collection of JUndo objects
Exception Handling (try-catch)
JUndo linked lists (Vectors too)
Provide more coding examples / convert more components to use JUndo
Educate people
Fix remaining compiler bugs
Method Overloading
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